суббота, сентября 09, 2017

Перемога учениці 10 класу, Карімової Єлизавети у Всеукраїнському конкурсі есе ( вчитель Дитюк К.О.)

Two innovative ideas to boost economic development in my residential community

We more and more live in the world where evolution and changes become necessary for the growth of our economy. People do reseaches, create, develop, update, implement new technolgies and try to make more and more inventions. But, unfortunately, inventions are not enough to deal with competitive pressure from globalization. I think every community requires in products and services in order to ensure economic growth.

             In addition, I consider that technological progress must necessarily be intertwined with the innovations to achieve maximum efficiency goals. There exist a number of components for successful innovation. There is research work, that should be sponsored by the government, the scientific and digital works, that are built on new ideas. some exchange of talents and knowledge in the field of innovation. If all these components unite, we will see more inventions and better productivity, and of course, more incomes.
              For the growth of economic success and to improve the innovative results of my region, I think that business and government should use two main strategies. Firstly, to create the state program to provide the implementation and use information communication technologies to improve productivity in this area. Secondly, to make ivestments of private companies to help students of universities and collages to master and improve knowledges and skills in the field of innovation and information technology. In this way, these people will be more prepared to work in modern enterprises and the enterprises will spend less resourses, time and money for training these workers.
                All in all, I believe that economic growth is impossible without technological growth, innovations and highly-trained workers. Society and economy are related to each other. That is why, people should contribute to the development of economy in all possible ways.

               So, I can confidently say, that the development of the economy in human life is the basic foundation of life of whole society and to improve it,certainly, can innovative ideas.

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